Sunday, November 28, 2010


In the months leading up to Christmas, Evan has often said he did not believe in Santa. Yeah, I thought we were off the hook here. Nope! This month he does. Yes, he wants the gift from Santa. I really don't know if he truly believes in Santa or not but I'm also not willing to ruin it for him if he does. He knows the true meaning of Christmas, JESUS! I'm not to worried. I know many of you don't believe in "humoring" your kids, I understand but we started this before we were believers and well I feel as long as he know what Christmas is really about we're ok.
Bryan didn't grow up with Santa so I'm thinking this is new for him. Lol. He cracks me up. We were going over the last of our Christmas list and I told him we needed to get Evan a gift from Santa. Any suggestions. Yep he had one alright. Socks and underwear! As long as he believes in Santa lets get him socks and underwear. His theory is, Evan won't want gifts from Santa if that's all he's going to get. Funny. And totally true. I had an idea. A new Bible! Evan has been asking for a new Bible for about 2 months now. He wants to be able to look up verses. He currently has a "picture/story" Bible.
So that's it. Santa will bring Evan a Bible and yes I see the irony and I love it!

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