Friday, September 3, 2010


So about 2 weeks ago Evan comes home from school asking if he can have a play date with a girl in his class. I told him I needed to speak to her mom. We mapped out a tentative date. the next morning at school they arrived as we were getting out of the car.
Evan: Mom there is her mom! Go ask her!!
Me: Umm ok. How about we let them get out of the car first.
Evan: Ok but your ask her right?
Me: Yes Evan I will.

Well the date we picked didn't work out so we'll try again. It's a must. He still asks when the play date will be.
He comes home today and says another little girl wants to have a play date with him and asked if she could come over. I said wow, ok sure. I know these kids and their parents so I'm feeling ok about it.
He then says so mom when they come over don't let them get markers and start writing L O V E on my wall or anything.
Um WHAT? Then he tells me that one of the girls in his kindergarten class last year thought he was her boyfriend.
Oh my goodness! Really. It cracks me up and even more that he is so embarrassed by the whole thing. i asked if he was and he about freaked. Oh to be 6 and in love....lololololololol.

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