Thursday, August 19, 2010

School is boring!

So Evan, how was school today?
It was boring and I don't want to talk about it.
Umm, ok???
So everyday he has told me that school is boring. Really, how can that be? He just started the 1st grade. He's learning new things. It can't be boring. His first day, he came home with a list of 2 weeks worth of spelling words and 3 weks worth of memory verses. He doesn't have spelling words the first week. So we study Day 1, get to where he can say his verse by himself without help. I wanted to work on the spelling words but he wasn't having it and I let it slide since it was for next week. (That was Monday.) I had choir Wed, he and Bryan stayed home. Bryan got the job of bedtime and homework. Here is how homework went.
This is what my husband text me: Evan read the verse once on his own, then repeated it 3 times on his own. Too easy. So I went over his spelling words and he nailed every single one without looking at the paper at all.
Seriously, are you sure you have the right kid? I need to talk to him in the morning. Maybe it was boring?
Evan I need to ask you something. Do you go over your spelling words in class?
No Mom.
Then how did you know how to spell them?
Mom, it was the weirdest thing! I just did. (Bright eyed and a huge grin on his face!)
We'll see how he does on the test next week!

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